Hello there. I’m Tricia Joy and I guess this is a good time to introduce myself. Since this is the first post, I mean. I didn’t plan to start a blog today, first and foremost. It just happened. So who am I? I’m a musician and composer who also studies the behavioral sciences to become a therapist. I’m very interested in psychology and its science and also psychology in relation to music and other forms of therapeutic art. I specialize in trauma recovery and neuropsychiatric disorders.
In my spare time, I learn different languages too. I’m Swedish (well, I live in Sweden, but I’m mixed Swedish and Luso-Indian!) so my native language is of course Swedish. I’m learning English, Portuguese, Hindi, Japanese, German, and Spanish (of course on very different levels!). Language learning is a very big passion of mine. I guess you can say I’m an aspiring polyglot. Not a polyglot yet, but I aspire to become one.
So, my two big interests in life are languages and the behavioral sciences in particular Psychology. What else is there to say?
On a more personal note, I can tell that I’m autistic too. I got diagnosed with autism at age 24, so kinda late in life! That caused me to live a big portion of my life in complete misery. I have been through many traumas too, and I guess that’s why I want to become a therapist and specialize in trauma recovery. To end the circle… Once I was in need of an understanding therapist, so why not become one to help others? I think my personal experiences blended with a professional mindset and knowledge in the field, could be very useful. Often people have either one or the other, but to help people it’s very useful to have both education AND a personal story.
Nevertheless, I would like to turn my story into something positive. I used to be abused, raped, hospitalized, beaten, everything terrible you could think of. If I’m able to help someone, just someone out there, then my story wasn’t for nothing!
So what this blog is going to be about is just that, telling my story, raising awareness about therapeutic things and psychology as a science mixed with some sprinkles of language learning above it all and here and there perhaps a bit of music and art too.
Sounds fun, yeah? Well, I hope this can be interesting. I’m used to blogging mainly in my own first language, so it could be interesting to blog in a foreign language for me as well. We’ll see what’s happening here in the future.
/Tricia Joy.